*ABA in multidimensional paradigms: A Max/Dep-based account. PhD thesis, MIT. 2023.
Python implementation, courtesy of Enrico Flor
[With Tanya Bondarenko] “Leftover Agreement.” Accepted by Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.
“A principled exception to the Müller-Takano generalization.” Glossa 9(1). 2024.
[With Christos Christopoulos] “Taking the nominative (back) out of the accusative: Case features and the distribution of stems in Indo-European paradigms.” Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 41: 879–909. 2023.
“Ergative is not inherent: Evidence from *ABA in suppletion and syncretism.” Glossa 4(1). 2019.
[With Enrico Flor] “CSC-violating head movement in English conditional inversion.” Ms., MIT.
Case decomposition meets dependent-case theories. MA thesis, University of Pisa. 2017.