*ABA in multidimensional paradigms: A Max/Dep-based account. PhD thesis, MIT. 2023.
Python implementation, courtesy of Enrico Flor
[With Tanya Bondarenko] “Leftover Agreement.” Accepted by Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.
“A principled exception to the Müller-Takano generalization.” Glossa 9(1). 2024.
[With Christos Christopoulos] “Taking the nominative (back) out of the accusative: Case features and the distribution of stems in Indo-European paradigms.” Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 41: 879–909. 2023.
“Ergative is not inherent: Evidence from *ABA in suppletion and syncretism.” Glossa 4(1). 2019.
[With Enrico Flor] “CSC-violating head movement in English conditional inversion.” Ms., MIT.
“On some interactions between verb movement and clitic ordering.” Talk given at the Institut für Romanistik of the University of Hamburg.
Case decomposition meets dependent-case theories. MA thesis, University of Pisa. 2017.